Friday 8 December 2017

What's coming up for next year?

The Ritz Hotel, London
With Christmas fast approaching it will soon be 2018 and that means that plans will be made and holidays booked.

My holidays have been a bit thin on the ground since July this year due to a family member falling ill for a while, but happy to say that person is back up to full health and it means HQ can plan to her heart's content again!

Ideas for next year include Paris in January, Dubai, Mallorca, Mexico and hopefully some long weekend trips later on to Berlin and Iceland. Can I possibly find time to fit them all in? Barbados has got to figure in there somewhere too. Lets see. I'll throw them all out to the universe and see what comes back!

I have a few custom bags to make too so it will be nice to see the HQ collection on show around the world. There are now 4 in Australia!

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays with good health, love and laughter for a Happy New Year.

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