Sunday, 20 September 2015

New York .. a lot of work and a little play

My make up station
I have just spent almost 3 weeks in New York - working 2 of those weeks in my day job as a make up artist for a television broadcaster at the US Open tennis, and grabbing a little down time for the rest of my stay. This year it was particularly hot and humid for the first 10 days and it was hard to decide what to wear as I'm not used to working in temperatures of 90+ degrees Fahrenheit! I'm usually on holiday in that kind of weather! Lie on a lounger, get hot and plunge into the nearest pool or ocean! Given also that I had a lot of walking to do I had to do it in comfortable, work worthy shoes .. no flip flops allowed on this job! Anything cotton or linen works and trainers/sneakers or rubber soled shoes are the absolute best in my humble opinion. And not to forget a good sunscreen - those UV rays are brutal!

Our 2 main presenters
Each day I had no less than 4 people to make up, sometimes more .. so I would arrive, set up my station and turn on the air con and electrics and nip across the compound for a quick breakfast before returning to start my day. It was always full on .. various locations around the grounds each day ranging from our studio at the end of the practice courts to being court side, by the entrance, fountains or anywhere else that was decided (sometimes last minute) on the day. I opted to track myself on a pedometer and was surprised to see it ranging from between 5,000 and 12,500 steps a day! Some days we didn't see lunch until 3pm so it's definitely not for the feint hearted. 

The final presentation
It was fortuitous we finished on time most days - apart from the last day .. the men's finals - the rain decided to make an unexpected appearance and delayed the start of the match for 3 hours. Our anticipated reasonably early departure turned into a rushing-for-the-last-bus-at-midnight run but at least we didn't have to stay on and work an extra day.

It was so good to sleep in the day after we finished .. no more early alarm calls, no rushing for the bus. Just rest and recreation for the next 4 days for me. I had no real plans other than to move from my hotel to stay uptown with my best friends. 

Hudson River
We spent the first day visiting their family upstate New York on the Hudson River, about an hour's drive north of the city. It was such a beautiful afternoon and evening and being by the river was a great way to come down from the 2 grueling weeks of work. Great views, great food and great company .. what more can you ask for? The simple things in life are invariably the best.

I can't say I did anything too exciting over the next few days .. a little walking, a little shopping and eating in the East Village, a movie and hanging out with friends. It was just so good to relax and recoup in readiness for going home and going back to work again.

New York, I absolutely love you and it's always sad to leave but I also love going home .. See you next time - I will be back!!

There's a lot of green in NY
The street steam vents

Sunset and the new moon

HQ flew World Traveller Plus with British Airways and stayed at the Kimberley Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

Recommended restaurants include Hillstone E53rd and 3rd, Quality Italian W57th Street and B4 235 E4th Street, East Village.